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Positioned to become the largest quicklime producer in Zambia

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Fuelling the African Copperbelt’s growth with locally produced quicklime

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Unlocking West Africa’s lithium & tantalum potential

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A Clear Vision to Unlock Africa’s critical minerals for a sustainable future

Firering Strategic Minerals

Firering Strategic Minerals plc (AIM: FRG) is focused on scaling up production at its quicklime project in Zambia to produce 600-800 tonnes of quicklime per day by the end of 2025 along with a range of ancillary products. With over US$100 million in historical investment, the project is strategically positioned to support the expanding copper producers in the Central African Copperbelt, which are currently reliant on imported quicklime from South Africa. 

Additionally, Firering is advancing the Atex Project in northern Côte d'Ivoire, an exploration project rich in lithium and tantalum-niobium, with drilling results indicating significant resource potential in this established and stable mining jurisdiction.

Firering Strategic Minerals’ Vassilios Carellas discusses the New Limeco/Quicklime Project Revenue Streams and Future Prospects, click HERE

To view our new January 2025 corporate presentation, click HERE 

To watch our 3rd October 2024 Live Investor Meet Company (IMC) Presentation, click HERE

Unlocking essential minerals for a sustainable future

Firering Strategic Minerals plc (AIM: FRG) is a mining company focused on advancing high-potential projects that supply critical minerals for global industries.


Our critical commodities

We are working to advance the production of Quicklime from our Limeco Project Zambia. Quicklime is a necessary product used to enable the production of cement and concrete an is a key mineral needed to produce copper. We continue to develop our Atex Lithium project in Côte d'Ivoire.

Process plant and product

Our Limeco production plant is capable of producing between 600 – 800 tons of Quicklime per day which will generate considerable cashflow revenues and where we have both a local and regional market for this product.